[general_dat] Invitacion a la Escuela Santalo 2024

Dirección LCD direccion.lcd at exactas.uba.ar
Mon Jul 29 23:12:35 -03 2024

Reenviamos a continuación la invitación a la Escuela Santaló  que se
realizará la semana próxima en nuestra Facultad y que puede ser de
especial interés para estudiantes de LCD. 

Ojalá puedan asistir!! 


Santaló School 2024
Data Science, Signal Processing and Harmonic Analysis,  
_August 5 - 10, 2024, Buenos Aires, Argentina_

Dear Colleagues and students, we are pleased to invite you to
participate in the Santaló school 2024: Data Science, Signal Processing
and Harmonic Analysis_ _which is held in person from August 5 through
August 9, at the Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales of the
Universidad de Buenos Aires, in Buenos Aires, Argentina._  On August 9th
__and 10th we will have a special session to celebrate the birthday of
Carlos Cabrelli._ 
(htt [1]ps://sites.google.com/view/santalo-school-2024/home [2]) 

The aim of this school is to introduce some of the very recent
developments in data science, machine intelligence, and their relation
to Statistics, Harmonic Analysis and Sampling Theory. 

We are pleased to have excellent confirmed speakers and lecturers, and
encourage you to participate! 

More information (and registration) available at: 
(htt [1]ps://sites.google.com/view/santalo-school-2024/home [2]) 

We hope to see many of you at the meeting! 

We apologize for multiple postings, due to the use of several mailing

Have a good day! 

The organizing team. 

[1] https://sites.google.com/view/2022-workshop-ha/home
[2] https://sites.google.com/view/santalo-school-2024/home

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