[Todos decanato] (no subject)
scolnik (fibertel)
scolnik at fibertel.com.ar
Sun Jun 1 11:33:12 ART 2003
Un amigo europeo me mandó este mail en respuesta al mío con las noticias de la BBC que muestran el trato a los prisioneros iraquies.
> Hugo,
> Thanks for your post.
> I can't resist to send you this:
> [...]
> 1. Remember the huge crowd of Iraqis cheering and pulling
> down a statue of Saddam? It turns out that the crowd was
> very small and some (all?) of the jubilant members of
> the crowd were actors.
> http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article2842.htm
> 2. Remember the rampant looting of Baghdad? Perhaps you
> knew that the US didn't lift a finger to stop it. But
> did you know that it was encouraged by US troops as a
> photo op?
> http://truthout.org/docs_03/041603D.shtml
> 3. Did you know that Richard Perle (a key author of the US's
> current Iraq policy) worked to undermine the Camp David
> accords in the summer of 2000?
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/Story/0,2763,342857,00.html
> These are just a tiny sample to illustrate the problems of
> missing and/or misleading stories in the media. This
> situation goes a long way toward explaining why the war is
> so much more popular in the US than it is everywhere else.
> [...]
> Best,
> Marcel
Hugo Scolnik
Un paranoico es alguien que sabe algo de lo que está pasando.
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